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This existence that has been bestowed upon us, can be described in on word…..MIRACULOUS. So then, it is our duty to give thanks to our creator, and protect our loved ones from evil.

The “Man in the Arena” ring was created for you, the willing protector. This ring is for those who stand boldly in the defense others, ignoring the danger or hardships they may endure.

This piece of jewelry is a token of brotherhood, it represents courage, faith, and strength. The helm itself has seen battle, it is imperfect, it is damaged, but through each and every mighty blow has become hardened, and reveals a different kind of beauty.

I had the honor of meeting a fellow warfighter, and deep thinker in my friend Byron Rogers this year. We were both at a military appreciation event held by Core Medical. I knew immediately upon seeing the way Byron carried himself, he was my dude. I watched him speak, and could almost predict his words in my mind, before they left his mouth.

This partnership between us and Protector Nation was not a choice, Byron and myself both felt that this had to be done.

The first 10 of these rings will be accompanied by a couple of “extras”, showing our appreciation to those of you who believe in a worthy life.

Our World is rapidly changing, predators are evolving, and multiplying existentially. No longer can we stand by praying that evil will hold off until we have become dust and bone, it is here now. Make yourself and your family ready, it’s time to be open about our concerns, and take the steps to send evil back into the depths of Hell. Fear not if you feel this way, we will be mocked, laughed at, and persecuted, hold the line, we are with you!

This ring will retail at $795. The first run of 10 are available through this pre-order for $595 and come with the gifts I eluded to above from Byron, and myself.

Don’t miss out, the pre sale is up now on our website. Love you all. @_the_anvil_

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Man in the Arena Ring in Sterling Silver


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